Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Menu Monday

So I am totally unmotivated this week. In fact, my kitchen definitely reflects that....it's messy and there's no food. I REALLY need to hit up the grocery store tonight. Maybe after shopping with Emily (priorities, I know).

We really had a relaxing weekend. Saturday was the Heartwalk. We went caching in the afternoon with some friends. And went to Shady Maple for dinner (omgosh-soo good). Sadly, I never got the pumpkin pie that I was craving, but I lived. Sunday we lounged. I was sore from the 7+ miles we did on Saturday and lazy.

The menu for the week is a maybe at best...I'm really not in the mood for anything in particular...that makes menu planning difficult...

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Monday: Leftover
Tuesday: Free-for-all (I'll be out shopping with Emily)
Wednesday: Beef Stew with toasted flat bread triangles
Thursday: Chicken Paprika with egg noodles and steamed veggie
Friday: Out? Maybe 1st Friday in Lancaster




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