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The Story of PUNJAMMIES™
Each PUNJAMMIE™ is created in an after-care facility for women who have been rescued, released or escaped from a life of forced prostitution. Their lives have been marked by a message – you are a commodity – to be used for other’s gain.
Whether sold by her own family, trafficked from another country or driven by desperation, she was a slave to this life. Each story is as unique as each girl.
When one manages to escaped from this life of horror, she has few options where to turn. Aside from the emotional and psychological trauma, women formerly working as prostitutes cannot easily enter schools, return to family systems or secure jobs to support themselves in India. A high quality after-care center is one of the best options a woman has at rebuilding her life.
Holistic aftercare involves quality medical care, emotional safety, education and the tools to create a new way of life for herself.
Empowering each woman with an opportunity to learn a marketable skill and become a part of a viable business is the purpose of PUNJAMMIES™. In providing for her basic need to support herself, she sees that she has value far beyond what the lies have told her. She begins to see her rightful place of value – a princess.
Every PUNJAMMIE™ purchase creates
A fair trade wage
Deposit into a savings account
Financial support for holistic care
Capacity building for more women to enter the after-care center
Every PUNJAMMIE™ tells the story of a girl who was once voiceless. You can be a part of rebuilding lives shattered by modern-day slavery.
Wear PUNJAMMIES™. Wear hope
For more information about International Princess™ Project, visit our website at www.intlprincess.org.
Quick disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with PunJammies or The International Princess Project and did not receive any compensation for singing their praises. That being said, you should still check them out, because I said so. I don't need affiliation or compensation to be right. kthxbye.
Whether sold by her own family, trafficked from another country or driven by desperation, she was a slave to this life. Each story is as unique as each girl.
When one manages to escaped from this life of horror, she has few options where to turn. Aside from the emotional and psychological trauma, women formerly working as prostitutes cannot easily enter schools, return to family systems or secure jobs to support themselves in India. A high quality after-care center is one of the best options a woman has at rebuilding her life.
Holistic aftercare involves quality medical care, emotional safety, education and the tools to create a new way of life for herself.
Empowering each woman with an opportunity to learn a marketable skill and become a part of a viable business is the purpose of PUNJAMMIES™. In providing for her basic need to support herself, she sees that she has value far beyond what the lies have told her. She begins to see her rightful place of value – a princess.
Every PUNJAMMIE™ purchase creates
A fair trade wage
Deposit into a savings account
Financial support for holistic care
Capacity building for more women to enter the after-care center
Every PUNJAMMIE™ tells the story of a girl who was once voiceless. You can be a part of rebuilding lives shattered by modern-day slavery.
Wear PUNJAMMIES™. Wear hope
For more information about International Princess™ Project, visit our website at www.intlprincess.org.
Quick disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with PunJammies or The International Princess Project and did not receive any compensation for singing their praises. That being said, you should still check them out, because I said so. I don't need affiliation or compensation to be right. kthxbye.
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