Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Monday!

Latest update: I ordered a dress! It will arrive in about 10 weeks. We have officially booked Riverdale Manor for the ceremony and reception. Check it out - the place is AMAZING! We will be going back for food tasting on Feb. 7th. As of Friday, we also have a minister to preform the ceremony.

In other wedding news: Our registry is finished! We are registered at Kohls and Target. My awesome bridesmaids had a meeting of the minds this weekend and have OKed the dress I picked out for them. Our colors are green, brown and ivory. Since it is fall I think the brown dresses will look fantastic!

Next on the agenda, I have a few DIY projects in the works and we need to find and confirm a photographer and dj. Then the biggest milestones are taken care of! I want to have the summer to least that's my goal of the moment.

Have a great week!!

-The future Mrs. Aldrich

Monday, January 12, 2009

Dress Shopping

Hello All-

I went dress shopping this weekend with Dani (& Haley), Mom and Grandma. We went to Weddings by Paulette and Alfred Angelo. Both were alright. I found two at AA that I liked but nothing so far that I'm thrilled with. So the search continues... We have an appointment at David's Bridal on Tuesday, so hopefully something will amount from it.

In other news, Mark and I worked on our registry this weekend at Koh'ls and Target. I think after one more round of edits we will have it finalized. The first trip to Kohl's was fruitless. We spent an hour scanning items for our registry and the customer service guy managed to delete everything we had entered. So we went back on Sunday and were able to recify Saturday's faux pas. All is well now and the planning continues!

Ciao for now!

-Future Mrs. Aldrich

Thursday, January 8, 2009


It's official! We're getting married! Mark proposed on New Year's Eve on our way into a New Year's party. We're planning on a November wedding.

In other news, I got a job on November 19. I am the Administrative Assistant for Advertising Sales at the YGS Group. I'm loving it! It's busy, challenging and my duties vary each day. I'm also back at Isaac's picking up shifts every other weekend to add to the wedding fund!

Pics and more posts to come later!


-The future Mrs. Aldrich :-)

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