Friday, January 28, 2011

Signs of Spring

To fight off my ever growing resentment of winter, I have decided to bring the long awaited Spring indoors. I planted some Paper Whites [thx Roselyn] and a mini herb garden [thx Mom].

{Paper Whites}
{Mini Herb Garden}
 What have you been doing to fight the winter blues? 

Mrs. A

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Weekend Fun

Last weekend we went out to Easton to visit some of our favorite people. They took us to Weyerbacher Brewery for a tour and tasting.

I must say, it was fantastic. I liked Hops Infusion.

The hubby got a growler (I love to say that - GROWLeeeerrrrrr) of Blithering Idiot and a Tshirt.

I love craft breweries. They aren't stuffy and pretentious like wineries (but that's never stopped me. I do love vino) and are kinda off kilter. Fun. I wish I would have gotten pictures, Riley was hilarious! Thanks again Katie and Matt!

Mrs. A


It SNOWED! We got nearly a foot of cold, wet, powdery, white stuff. My car is currently buried. And it can stay there. I will be WFH (working from home) for the rest of the week. In fact, I don't actually have to leave the apartment until Saturday....PJs and slippers. Best. Work. Attire. Ever.
{My Snowman xoxo}
Hubby had to dig a pathway so he could get to his vehicle, since he still had to drive in to the office :-( I wish he could work from home too. My nerves would appreciate it greatly. kthxbye.

And here are some more snow pics, for your viewing pleasure.

{Balcony Left}
{Balcony Right}

Mrs. A

Friday, January 21, 2011


Our 6 month lease will be up in May so the search is on for another habitation for us. We would like to upgrade to a bigger place, 2 bedrooms would be nice. At a location that is closer to Hubby's job. We think we have found the perfect location and this is what the layout looks like:
2 Bedroom, 1.5 Bath, with a wood-burning fireplace

As much as I hate packing my life into boxes and all the manual labor that is inevitably involved....I am looking forward to this one. I have a good feeling about it. And there is a pool (free) and a gym (free). We'll still be close to family (B&R will be close by). More deets to come later....when I know what those deets are. :-)

And to be a bit lofty and philosophical, here is my new mantra:

[photo credit:]

Mrs. A

Thursday, January 20, 2011

End of 2010 Recap

Hello to the Blogging World!

It appears that I have abandoned you for quite some time! Here is a snapshot (pun clearly intended) into our lives since I last posted:

{Halloween 2010}

{2010 Xmas Card Photo}

{Xmas 2010} All 4 Grandkids being awesome

{Haley and Baby Blake}

Will be posting again soon!

Mrs. A

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