Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Chocolate Chip Day

Happy National Chocolate Chip Day!

I celebrated by baking a batch of chocolate chip cookie bars. And under baked them. Then over-baked when I tried to fix it.  I am SO not a baker. I'll stick to cooking. Kthxbye.

Mrs. A

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Next Freezer Cooking Adventure

Hello All!

I have been compiling some recipes for the next freezer cooking day. This cooking day will be bigger than the last (more meals) but less work (less veggies to cut up). Here is my list:

Freezer Cooking Meal List

Chicken & Broccoli Lasagna Roll-Ups (Emily’s Recipe) (9 rolls)
Drip Beef (1)
Jamaican Jerk Chicken Kabobs (1)
Beef Stew (2)
Pizza Dough (2)
Marinated Chicken (Lori's Marinade Recipe)
Hamburger BBQ (1)
Italian Meatballs (2 dozen)
Shredded Chicken (1 lb)

Mrs. A

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