Super excited over here at Casa Aldrich! Ha! This week is spring cleaning...yay? Since I now have some time on my hands, I have opted to work on a series of projects including cleaning out my never-ending closet mess. I would also to reorganize the laundry room storage and pantry. I think cleaning the pantry will not only help me figure out what we have int here, but it will help us remain frugal. The "cooking once a month" phenomenon has been wonderful for us financially. We haven't had what we define as "major" shopping since late February!
Roselyn and I will have another cooking day (maybe 2) sometime soon!
This weekend is
SHAMROCK Fest! Woot woot! It should be beautiful weather and we will have fabulous company *shout out to Seth & Rachel* while we stroll around with our Irish pride and the cherry blossoms!
Mrs. A