Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ke$ha....we need to talk....

OMGosh! It's like they are in my head!

Mrs. A

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

From both of us, wishing you all glitter and unicorns this Valentine's Day!

{Sprik Space}

Mrs. A

Monday, February 7, 2011

Oh Ke$ha

Ok, confession time. I love me some Ke$ha. It's [the music] catchy, fun, and danceable. While she [the "real" person] is portrayed as the booze loving dance whore. I was cruising around YouTube the other day and found this parady. It made me laugh, because it was true.

Mrs. A

Friday, February 4, 2011

Happy Friday

Ahhhhhh, it's Friday. My favorite day of the work week.

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Today is no exception. Besides the fact that our hot water heater hasn't worked properly all week. Besides the fact that I haven't been able to condition my hair since Sunday. Or besides the fact that I have yet to shower today since the thought of another cold shower is scarier than being the smelly kid in class.

I do have a date tonight (yes I will shower first) since my Hubby will be snowboarding with my brother-in-law. My lovely sister-in-law and I will be going out to dinner, then watching movies and drinking vino back at their apartment.

{Photo Credit:}
Definately looking forward to it!

Mrs. A

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